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Webinar report | Publicly listed operators and the German and Dutch online gambling markets

With the re-regulated German and Dutch online gambling markets to open soon, several publicly listed online gambling operators have already announced their interest in entering these markets.

During yesterday's webinar “Publicly listed operators and the German and Dutch online gambling markets” market analysts Scott Longley (Clear Concise Media) and Gavin Kelleher (Goodbody Stockbrokers) discussed what these operators have been saying, which operators are well poised to take advantage of these opportunities, and the relative importance of these markets.

The full webinar has been recorded and is now available here:

Webinar overview

During the webinar, our speakers addressed the following questions:

1. 2:35: What are the main regulatory burdens that operators in the future-licensed German and Dutch markets must contend with?

2. 6:32: How are publicly listed operators and affiliates approaching the regulated German and Dutch markets?

3. 9:29: How do investors view the relative importance and future profitability of the regulated German and Dutch markets?

4. 13:24: What are the structural factors that determine whether an operator is well positioned to benefit from market re-regulation? Which operators meet these conditions?

5. 18:18: How would you rate the long-term viability of the regulated German and Dutch markets?

6. 22:58: Audience Q&A

Further information

More information about the financial workings of the global betting and gaming sectors is available through the Earnings+More newsletter.


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